Students with Disabilities

Accommodation Request Information

The Accommodation Request Form should be completed by any student with a disability who believes they may need accommodation assistance during their study abroad program. The student should print out the form and schedule an appointment to meet with a Student Accessibility Resources (SAR) adviser. With your SAR adviser, collaboratively complete the form, 列出所有可能的住宿需求,你可能会在任何时候的计划. 帕德诺斯国际中心留学顾问, Meaghann Myers-Smith, 可透过电邮(电邮地址:[email protected]) or phone ((616) 331-3898). 请参阅残疾人士住宿设施 Flow Chart for a visual guide which depicts every step taken to complete your program accommodation requests.


不可思议的国际机会确实存在于所有学生身上. 以便更好地为这些机会做好准备, we strongly encourage students with disabilities to disclose early on through our accommodation request form. This will allow Student Accessibility Resources (SAR) and Padnos International Center (PIC) to work together and better assist each student throughout the study abroad process. 学生永远不会因为残疾而被拒绝参加海外学习. 不要让任何事情阻碍你的留学经历! Check out the information below to learn about information on disclosing your disability, 欧洲杯押注网页如何让出国留学成为现实的建议, 欧洲杯押注网页如何支付住宿和课程的信息, and additional helpful resources.

What is a disability?

根据康复法案第504条和美国残疾人法案(ADA), 残疾人的定义是:

  • has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
  • 是否有此类损伤的记录或历史
  • 或者被认为有这种缺陷

有各种各样的残疾人可能需要在国外住宿.  The list of disability types below provides a basic description and the modifications provided in the United States (information provided via Michigan State's Office of Study Abroad).

Chronic Health Conditions: 影响身体的一个或多个系统.  这包括癌症、糖尿病、癫痫或艾滋病.  修改可能包括减少课程负担, extra time on exams, modified deadlines, and taping lectures. 

Hearing Disabilities: can range from students who have hearing losses of such severity that he/she depends primarily upon visual communication, 对于听力有困难但不依赖视觉交流的学生.  修改可能包括手语翻译, real time captioning, captioned videos, assistive hearing devices, note taking assistance, telephone teletext devices, 或提前注册和/或教学大纲.

Learning Disabilities: 指在听力的习得和运用上有明显的困难, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, and/or mathematical abilities.  修改可能包括提前提供教学大纲和作业, allowing extended time on exams, or a separate room, note taking assistance, taping lectures, use of a reader, scribe, 或适应性技术和/或指导帮助.

Mobility Disabilities: range from limited stamina to conditions that limit a person's coordination or ability to move.  修改可以包括无障碍教室家具和/或位置, adaptive computers and software, extended time for exams, scribe, a reduced course load, accessible transportation, access to personal care assistance, or note taking assistance. 

Psychiatric Disabilities: 可能包括抑郁症、双相情感障碍、焦虑症和精神分裂症.  修改可能包括一个单独的考场, extended time for exams, 修改截止日期或减少课程负担, 随时可以找到心理健康专家和药房.

Vision Impairments: ranges from legal blindness (significant or total loss of vision) to eye conditions which substantially limit one's field of vision.  修改可能包括移动方向, 教学大纲和课程材料的预先副本, 阅读材料的不同格式, reader/scribe, or adaptive technology. 

*It is important to note that countries and study abroad programs overseas may not provide similar accommodations and accessibility.

Advantages of Early Disclosure

  • 提前准备任何与残疾有关的需要, including learning about what services and options are available for arranging and requesting accommodation needs.  This will provide all parties involved adequate time to make any necessary arrangements. 
  • An opportunity to build connections with individuals in the host community who may have similar disabilities and accommodation needs. This is also critical in building connections around campus with faculty and administrators.
  • 减少因试图隐藏自己的残疾而带来的压力 
  • This is a great opportunity to increase disability awareness and be an advocate for students with disabilities who are also considering studying abroad. 


Tips for Students with Disabilities

  • Again, it is highly recommended that students disclose their disability early on in the process of searching for programs.
  • It is also recommended that students meet with an adviser in the disability support office to talk about specific accommodation needs.
  • 与学术顾问讨论学术目标
  • 与财务援助办公室会面,讨论国外可能的住宿资金
  • 与留学顾问Meaghann Myers-Smith ([email protected]),如果你觉得你的残疾需要特殊的住宿,以找到一个好的项目适合.
  • 研究和比较各种留学项目.
  • 如果你在海外需要药物, 我们建议你研究一下国外有什么.  It is recommended that you also speak to your primary care physician about having enough medication for the duration of your entire program. 
  • Research the local culture of where you might be interested in studying, interning, or volunteering. 
  • 最终,独立是成功留学的关键. 


Questions to Consider

  • 主要使用什么交通方式,交通方便吗? (公共汽车、火车、出租车或步行……等)
  • Are sidewalks and streets accessible for mobility devices such as canes and wheelchairs?
  • 博物馆、旅馆和餐馆等场所是否存在无障碍建筑规范?
  • How do classes tend to be taught? (讲座、实践、讨论、实验等)
  • 如何与教授沟通?  (Typically, office hours abroad tend to be more infrequent but professors may also be more available to meet outside of the university, i.e. restaurants, coffee shops…etc)
  • 房子离大学近吗?
  • 有哪些紧急医疗保健服务?
  • Is there a 24/7 emergency contact?
  • 哪些药物在东道国是允许服用的?
  • Will I be responsible for any additional costs associated with disability accommodation abroad?

我们的一些合作伙伴和附属供应商提供 information or a specific contact 面向海外残疾学生

Funding Students with Disabilities

Below is a list of resources students should examine when budgeting for their study abroad program and/or their accommodation needs.  这不是一个详尽的列表,所以我们鼓励学生自己进行搜索.

  • Students receiving Vocational Rehabilitation may be able to use their funds towards a study abroad if:
    • 该学生是注册的VR客户端.
    • 留学项目直接关系到学生的教育目标.
    • 学生必须用尽所有其他资金来源.
  • Students who are receiving Social Security/Supplemental Security Income may also be able to use their funds toward a study abroad program if:
    • 该学生由一家美国教育机构资助.
    • 这门课程在美国是没有的.
    • 出国留学必须大大提高学生的就业能力. 
    • Other requirements can be found at:

Scholarships and Grants

Fund for Education Abroad

Gilman Scholarship

Christianson Grant

Dr. Natalia Gómez Passport Scholarship

Students With Disabilities

GVSU Student Success Stories

Juanita Lillie, Costa Rica 2013

"I adventured to Costa Rica in Winter 2013 to earn some credits towards my Spanish Language and Literature Degree. There I went surfing, zip-lining, horseback riding, and participated in many more activities that people did not think I was going to participate in because of my blindness. However, 我在美国的家人非常支持我, caring host family, and wonderful friends within my program assisted me to make the once in a life time experience possible.

通过这次经历,哥斯达黎加之旅教会了我很多东西. For example, 我更有同情心,更能接受别人的想法, lifestyles, 以及不同文化和家庭中人们完成事情的方式. 此外,为自己和他人辩护的能力也极大地增强了我的力量. In fact, I am trying to motivate other students with all types of disabilities (visible and hidden) to go abroad. Finally, I want to see more study abroad and exchange programs be inclusive when reaching out to students with disabilities. I know that all students can and should study abroad which means do not let others steer you away."

想了解更多残疾学生的资源,请关注胡安妮塔在Facebook上的页面, Abroad With Disabilities.

Share Your Story!

你有残疾出国留学吗? Congratulations! You did it! We want to hear about your stories. Please contact SAR and PIC to share your story so that future study abroad students with disabilities can read about all the fun adventures and advice you have.

Page last modified August 20, 2024