
“林肯公园的青年贵族” collection conveys the ongoing struggle for fair housing, 民族自决, 和人权问题,由奥巴马发起. 乔斯·"恰·恰"·吉米内斯,青年贵族运动的创始人. In the 1960s the Young Lords brought out the question of 民族自决 for Puerto Rico on a mass, 国家级的口号, “Tengo Puerto Rico en mi corazon”." This project is dedicated to documenting the history of the displacement of Puerto Ricans, Mejicanos, 其他的拉丁美洲人, 还有林肯公园的穷人, 以及全国青年议员的历史. 记录, 保存, 让这些记忆能够为老师所用, 研究人员, 社区是这个项目的指导目标.

Highlights of this collection include more than 110 oral histories, 历史的照片, 论文, and 剪报 documenting the origins of the Young Lords Movement. Mr. Jiménez’s unpublished manuscripts from his campaign for alderman of Chicago’s 46th 病房, 林肯公园营地的建立, 和KO俱乐部以及照片, 文档, 剪报, and related ephemera donated by other individuals who have been interviewed as part of this project are also included. 


This digital collection includes more than 100 oral histories of former members, 同事及家人. These interviews document the history of the displacement of Puerto Ricans, Mejicanos, 其他的拉丁美洲人, 还有林肯公园的穷人, 彩虹联盟, 以及全国青年议员的历史.

View the Young Lords in Lincoln Park Oral History Digital Collection


特殊的集合 & 大学档案馆 has been a病房ed funds through the Improving Access to Information grant program of the Library of 密歇根 for its "Transcribing Young Lords" project. 这个项目, 从2024年10月到2025年9月, involves creating transcripts of 100 of the interviews in the Young Lords oral history collection - nearly 150 hours of content. 新的转录本将提高可访问性, 可用性, and discovery of these important historical resources - and make it even easier for GVSU students and faculty to use in their teaching and learning. 

The Improving Access to Information program is funded by the Institute of Museum and Library 服务, an independent federal agency dedicated to advancing and supporting America's museums, 库, 以及相关组织. 

José "Cha-Cha" Jiménéz Young Lords in Lincoln Park Collection

林肯公园的青年贵族 collection 文档 the struggle for fair housing, 民族自决, 和人权问题,由奥巴马发起. 乔斯·"恰·恰"·吉米内斯,青年贵族运动的创始人. Highlights of the personal 论文 of José Jiménez include a rich collection of 历史的照片, 论文, flyers and 剪报 documenting the origins of the Young Lords Movement. 该系列还包括奥巴马. Jiménez’s records from his campaign for alderman of Chicago’s 46th 病房, 林肯公园营地的建立, 和KO俱乐部以及照片, 文档, 剪报, and related ephemera donated by other individuals who have been interviewed as part of this project.

José "Cha-Cha" Jiménez Young Lords in Lincoln Park Collection Finding Aid



Birth of the Young Lords Story Map (DePaul University, Department of Geography)


"林肯公园的青年贵族" collection grows out of decades of work to more fully document the history of Chicago's Puerto Rican community which gave birth to the Young Lords Organization and later, 青年上议院党. 先生创立. 乔斯·"恰恰"·吉米内斯, the Young Lords became involved in one of the premier struggles for international human rights. 哪里有兴旺的教会会众, 社会和政治俱乐部, 餐厅,  食品杂货, 家庭住宅一度很繁荣, successive waves of urban renewal and gentrification forcibly displaced most of those Puerto Ricans, Mejicanos, 其他的拉丁美洲人, 工薪阶层和贫困家庭, 和他们的孩子在五六十年代. Today these same families and activists also risk losing their history.

Young men holding speaking and holding flags at the Iglesia de la Gente People's Church

这一挑战不仅仅是学术上的. 社区的物理拆除是真实存在的, contemporary consequences that reverberate across generations. 永远看不见自己从哪里来是什么意思? Or to understand one's past as born only of victimization rather than generations of challenge, 政治组织, 和自主? 通过收集和保存那些活着的人的记忆, 工作, and thrived in and around the neighborhood of Lincoln Park this project aims to address these challenges. It also makes clear that the Lincoln Park story is not just about Chicago, but sheds critical light on the struggles of working-class and poor communities for justice, 平等的权利, 和自主 in communities across the United States and beyond.


Although the “Young Lords in Lincoln Park” collection 文档 many decades of work, the effort gained formal support from 大峡谷州立大学 (GVSU) in September 2011 as part of an undergraduate research project by 乔斯·"恰恰"·吉米内斯, who was then an undergraduate student in the GVSU Liberal Studies Department. Mr. jimsamnez于2013年毕业于GVSU.

Collecting this research and making this collection accessible has engaged a number of core partners at GVSU including Melanie Shell-Weiss, 通识研究助理教授, 苏珊·门多萨, Director of the former Office of Undergraduate 研究 and Scholarship, 南希·理查德, 大学档案, 还有马克斯·埃卡德, 元数据和数字管理图书馆员. 学生助理Elizabeth Juárez, 以斯得拉书Rodriguez-Torres, Carla Landhuis提供了宝贵的研究, 处理, 翻译, 转录辅助. 咨询伙伴Zulema Moret, Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies Coordinator, 还有阿兹法尔·侯赛因, 通识研究副教授, contributed intellectual guidance and support to this effort as well. Marion mathien的行政支持, 通识学系办公室协调员, 雪莱·西克雷, Office Coordinator for the Office of Undergraduate 研究 and Scholarship, 是无价的.


If you are interested in donating materials to the collection or schedule a research visit, 请联络特别馆藏 & 大学档案室 (电子邮件保护) or (616) 331-2749.

了解更多欧洲杯押注网页青年贵族运动的信息, or if you are interested in sharing your memories or would like to learn more about this documentation effort, 联系 (电子邮件保护)
