Frequently Asked Questions / Tips for 骑rs

How to read bus schedule

How to read bus schedule

Wondering how to interpret the bus schedules? 看这个!

How to ride the Laker Line

How to ride the Laker Line

An overview of the Laker Line bus system and features. 巴士路线从GVSU艾伦代尔校区到GVSU大急流城校区.

- How much does it cost to ride the Rapid?
所有在校生、教职员工凭GVSU身份证均可免费乘坐. Alumni and retiree ID cards do not apply for the free ridership. Ticket fare info can be found on 的 Rapid's website. 请做好准备,检票员(不是司机)会要求您出示付款证明或身份证.

- How late does the bus run?
Click here to view the latest schedules.

- Where can I get schedules?
Click here to access all of the routes and schedules.

- Which schedule do I refer to?

  • 日期 Holidays/Break Service 包括:
    • FALL: Labor Day Weekend, Thanksgiving Week, December Semester Break, 平安夜到元旦以及冬季学期开始前几天.
    • 冬季:春假,春季学期开始前的学期假

Spring / Summer Semesters (in general, first day of class to end of exam week, with exceptions below)

  • 日期 Holidays/Break Service 包括:
    • SPRING: Memorial Day Weekend
    • 夏季:独立日休息,秋季学期开始前的学期休息

- What do I do if I left an item on the bus?
All items left on the bus are taken back to 的 Rapid Central Station Security/Lost & 发现.

- Can I take the bus to _________?
You can take any Rapid bus throughout the city for FREE. Click here for help getting to your destination.

- Why doesn't the bus go to ____________?
GVSU明白每个人都有许多不同的需求,我们试图解决我们所提出的每一个建议. 我们不可能去到所有地点,尽我们所能提供最合适的服务. If you have an idea for a location, click here to put in a suggestion. Also, don't forget to fill out our annual survey and let us know your ideas.

- When will the next bus arrive?
Click here to find out!

- What is the Laker Line?
Laker Line Bus Rapid Transit BRT巴士于20年8月24日开始服务,并取代了50号公路上的标准巴士. 的 new BRT buses feature larger capacity (articulated buses), 无线网络, 在加强型车站,水平登机及实时到站时间显示, and traffic signal priority for a faster commute. 

- ADA features:

  • 每次公共汽车开门时,所有公共汽车上的路线名称都会对外公布.
  • Level platform boarding for Laker Line; "kneeling" w external platform for the 37/48/85 route buses.

How To 骑 的 Bus:

  • 请等到公共汽车在车站完全停下来, before approaching the front door.
  • Please board at the front door only.
  • Please exit at the rear door. This will expedite the boarding of passengers.
  • Please do not cross in front of the bus after exiting. 请等到巴士驶离车站,并且你在两个方向都有清晰的视野后再过马路.
  • Please use designated bus stops only. 为安全起见,巴士只可在指定车站上下客.
  • 请不要站在公共汽车前面的黄线前. 这是一项联邦安全规定,允许公共汽车司机有一个清晰的视野.
  • 公共汽车行驶时,如果你站着,请抓住柱子.
  • 上车后请往后排走,以便尽可能多的人上车.
  • 请在下一站示意司机您想在下一站下车.
  • Please take an earlier bus, 特别是在高峰时间和恶劣天气,可能会有更多的乘客乘坐公共汽车, to assure that you arrive at your destination on time.
  • 请检查您的个人物品(背包、钱包、健身包等)是否齐全.) when you leave the bus.
  • Please be safe and have a safe and pleasant day!

Tips on Using Our Services

GVSU巴士服务为教师提供校园内和校园之间的免费交通, staff and students. 的 system operates as a fixed-route, scheduled service. 服务计划在高峰时段有最大数量的巴士往返于校园之间.

  • Overcrowding: At peak times, the buses will be overcrowded. Plan to leave earlier at those times and expect crowded conditions. 我们的公共汽车被设计成容纳与座位容量相等的人. When boarding a fully-loaded bus, 站着的人应该移到公共汽车的后面,以便有更多的乘客上车.

法律规定,乘客不得站在巴士地板上标记的线前面,以确保司机有清晰的视野,并在突然停车的情况下保护乘客. When loading a bus, 即使在乘客看来似乎还有更多的空间,司机也会确定公交车何时达到其载客量.

  • Boarding and Exiting the Bus: 乘客应在预定时间之前到车站等候. Buses will pick up passengers only at the designated bus stops. Passengers boarding the bus should use the front door. Passengers getting off should use the rear door. 从前门下车会妨碍乘客上车和付车费,并且会减慢上车的速度. This will in turn cause the bus to run behind schedule, inconveniencing all the other passengers on board.

Be attentive of your destination. 在你想去的地方之前,在公共汽车站前不按铃吗. 只要有可能,请等到公共汽车驶入你的车站所在的街道. 只要按一下铃就可以提醒司机你要在下一站下车. After exiting the bus, do not cross or stand in front of the bus. 这将防止公共汽车离开车站和延误其他乘客. Wait until the bus leaves the stop before crossing the street.

A moving vehicle is always dangerous, especially a large bus. 千万不要在行驶中的公共汽车旁边奔跑,也不要为了引起司机的注意而猛敲路边. 一旦公共汽车开始行驶,司机就不会停下来搭载额外的乘客. Large crowds often wait at the bus stops. 迎面驶来的公共汽车还在行驶时,向它挤去是很危险的. Persons in front may be forced into the path of the bus

Bus Safety Tips

General Tips:

  • Plan your route ahead of time. 了解公交时刻表,这样你就不会被迫等待不必要的时间.
  • Observe the behavior of those around you.
  • Travel with a friend or co-worker whenever possible.
  • If riding a route where you need to show ID, 把它准备好,这样你就不用在钱包/钱包里摸索了.
  • Avoid talking to strangers, especially in isolated areas. Never give out any personal information. 的 person you're talking to may be fine, but others can overhear.

Walking To/From the Bus Stop:

  • Briskly and confidently walk to your destination
  • Scan the area as you walk and be aware of the people in the area.
  • lf someone looks suspicious, move away from him/her.
  • 在你到达你的车辆/住所之前,把钥匙拿出来准备好了吗.


  • Try to avoid isolated bus stops. 当乘坐公共汽车时,选择一个灯火通明且靠近营业的咖啡店/商店的车站.
  • 等车时,站在离其他乘客近的地方,并站在光线充足的地方. Move to your bus as it arrives.
  • Keep your belongings secure at all times.
  • 在等待的时候不要太沉迷于阅读或听音乐. 保持警惕!

On the Bus:

  • 对你周围的环境和你周围的人要时刻保持警惕. 保持清醒.
  • 乘坐公交系统(ipod)时不要听音乐或戴耳机, cell phones, 便携式收音机会分散你的注意力,使你成为潜在的目标。.
  • Keep your belongings secure at all times. Hold on firmly to your purse or briefcase. Don't put it on the seat beside you. Keep it in your lap or wedge it between your feet.
  • During off hours, ride as near the bus driver as possible; find a moderately crowded section of the bus.
  • 坐在靠近过道的地方,这样如果有人打扰你,你可以迅速站起来.
  • Move away from people who appear intoxicated.
  • lf trouble occurs, notify the bus driver.

Page last modified July 15, 2024